Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Healthy 2014 Month 3 Day 2

Hi Folks,

So, my new health goal is to follow the 28 detox until I can get all the way through it with out cheating.  It has been a difficult task at times.  Which is really chronicled in my posts.  You can see pockets of updating when things have been stressful and a struggle.  So, this is my commitment.  This month should be better.  Lent starts tomorrow and I will give up caffeinated drinks as I always do, with hopes to be totally off it for good.  I have struggled today already having a grill cheese for lunch.  But, I will get back on the horse and keep moving forward. 
So, Giving up things for Lent is mostly the tradition, but you can also pick up better habits along the way.  I hope to follow my eating plan better as well as exercising a bit more.  Its been hard with the gross weather we have had this past week, and my busy schedule.  So, I hope next week I can pick things up again.

Lets keep this train moving... Spring is just around the corner!

a little tip-- pea protein is all the rage.. and we have been doing it for years!

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