Hi Friends-
Fair warnng that this might not be the most positive of posts. We are half way through the 28th day journey. This detox has been positive and helpful in the past. Even when I have had set backs I can get back on the horse and move forward. This time has been difficault for another reason. I has looking forward to this reset in the new year because I had fallen off the healthy eating wagon over the holidays and for a few weeks proir to that due to being unemployed.
However, it occurred to me over the weekend that my starting weight and the bloating I have experienced recently might be a change in medication rather then just a little bit of holiday weight. This has me a bit down and upset. I am usually very excited to get back to my healthy lifestyle and exercise. I feel a little more defeated this time around. I started evaluating some of the other side effects I have experienced over the last few months. More night sweats, bloating in new areas around my waist, need for a new bra size, dry scalp. After realizing these are all main size effects of my medication and I did allow my doctor to put me on a new brand. I am going to continue to move my healthy lifestyle in to the new year despite set backs of any kind. I am glad that I realized these changes now and not let it get me more frustrated.
Are you gaining unexplained weight?
There are many factors in weight gain
Medical Condition
Food allergy
When you have changed you eating or exercise plans to become a healthier you... Evaluating the factors on this list may be a good start. Being aware of them can help you in your healthy lifestyle journey and also help in your frame of mind during this transition to a new lifestyle. If necessary you should consult a doctor (as I will) if you feel that something is hindering you from seeing healthier results. There may be an under lying cause that needs additional attention from a medical professional.
** Warning... be careful when googling symptoms as not to over self diagnose. But, do some personal check in as I have and see if there are other factors that can be addressed with someone in a health care profession.
I will let you all know how this change effects my over all health. I will be continuing my journey in to February with a new outlook!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Healthy 2014 Day 9
Hi All-
It was brought to my attention today that going out to eat on a new healthy lifestyle may be difficult for some. So, I hope to give you some options tonight of good places to try.
** First you should always have the mantra that "it is okay to ask for what you want at a restaurant."
I always try and find something that is easiest to mortify as not to annoy the waiter or cook. But most importantly getting what I want.
So, Lets start with a few places that are easy to go to in the LA area that will follow your new healthy lifestyle.
The Counter
Tender Greens
Grais Madre
Sun Cafe
Just Coffee
When you go out try and pick places that have lots of veggie options. You can always as for olive oil and lemon juice as a salad dressing. For people such as me (wheat issues) ask for things with out bread or buns. You can always ask for things like cheese on the side. Some places like to give a slice of bread as a topping, ask for those to be left off. Less temping :)
Good Luck and eat on foodies!!
It was brought to my attention today that going out to eat on a new healthy lifestyle may be difficult for some. So, I hope to give you some options tonight of good places to try.
** First you should always have the mantra that "it is okay to ask for what you want at a restaurant."
I always try and find something that is easiest to mortify as not to annoy the waiter or cook. But most importantly getting what I want.
So, Lets start with a few places that are easy to go to in the LA area that will follow your new healthy lifestyle.
The Counter
Tender Greens
Grais Madre
Sun Cafe
Just Coffee
When you go out try and pick places that have lots of veggie options. You can always as for olive oil and lemon juice as a salad dressing. For people such as me (wheat issues) ask for things with out bread or buns. You can always ask for things like cheese on the side. Some places like to give a slice of bread as a topping, ask for those to be left off. Less temping :)
Good Luck and eat on foodies!!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Health 2014 Day 5
Hi All,
So, I have made it through the 1st five days of my detox with out too many slip ups. a couple of tortilla chips yesterday (like 5 chips) and I square of chocolate today.
Things are getting easier as the days go on. I am having issues with a cronic charlie horse in my left leg three mornings in a row. I also am finding that my bowel movements are becoming more regular... Do you know you should have two bowel movements a day (that's a number 2) :)
A big part of this journey is listening to your body and making healthy decisions based on what you are finding out about yourself.
Tomorrow I will be attending a 1 year olds birthday party I can snack on things like veggies and salad. Pile my plate with veggies and stick to water or tea. I can do it!!
A little reminder why I needed to stop drinking such gross stuff ---
So, I have made it through the 1st five days of my detox with out too many slip ups. a couple of tortilla chips yesterday (like 5 chips) and I square of chocolate today.
Things are getting easier as the days go on. I am having issues with a cronic charlie horse in my left leg three mornings in a row. I also am finding that my bowel movements are becoming more regular... Do you know you should have two bowel movements a day (that's a number 2) :)
A big part of this journey is listening to your body and making healthy decisions based on what you are finding out about yourself.
Tomorrow I will be attending a 1 year olds birthday party I can snack on things like veggies and salad. Pile my plate with veggies and stick to water or tea. I can do it!!
A little reminder why I needed to stop drinking such gross stuff ---
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Healthy 2014 Day 3
Hi All,
Day 3 things are getting easier. I am listening to my body and hearing new things. I need better snacks I had berries with me for an afternoon snack and by 3PM all I wanted was a salty snack. So, I have to have a number of different kinds of snacks with me during the day.
I am a trying to get some extra sleep this week as well. I have gotten a good 8 hours of sleep for the last few days which is great!! Hoping I can keep that up. I just have to make sure I adjust my lifestyle.
A bit of a headache again today. I think it has more to do with the cooler weather then my detox. My sinus is sensitive to the weather changes and I know that I am still coming down from so much holiday sugar.
Today I had a lovely tuna salad for lunch with lemon/EVOO dressing. Dinner was Brown rice pasta with homemade meat sauce, and steamed veggies. Very tasty!
Tomorrow will be another work out day. YAY for detox and feeling better! I can tell my stomach is responding to better food. Digestion is better, bloating is down. All good things!
Here is to new days ahead!!
Day 3 things are getting easier. I am listening to my body and hearing new things. I need better snacks I had berries with me for an afternoon snack and by 3PM all I wanted was a salty snack. So, I have to have a number of different kinds of snacks with me during the day.
I am a trying to get some extra sleep this week as well. I have gotten a good 8 hours of sleep for the last few days which is great!! Hoping I can keep that up. I just have to make sure I adjust my lifestyle.
A bit of a headache again today. I think it has more to do with the cooler weather then my detox. My sinus is sensitive to the weather changes and I know that I am still coming down from so much holiday sugar.
Today I had a lovely tuna salad for lunch with lemon/EVOO dressing. Dinner was Brown rice pasta with homemade meat sauce, and steamed veggies. Very tasty!
Tomorrow will be another work out day. YAY for detox and feeling better! I can tell my stomach is responding to better food. Digestion is better, bloating is down. All good things!
Here is to new days ahead!!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Healthy 2014 Day 2
Hi All,
I hope this Tuesday finds you healthy and happy!
I am so excited to have my friend Stephanie along for the ride. She has found that she has a lot of food allergies and is going to follow the same plan with me to see if it can improve her health with the Arbonne plan. This is a organic, whole food program with detoxing and vegan elements... here's to a great 28 days!
Today was much better then yesterday. Virtually no headache, but used a bit of cheese on my dinner and discovered it kind of made me congested. So, back to the non-dairy cheese it is.
I got in a little bit of a work out in. only had a short amount of time tonight so I did a Shaun T cardio abs work out.
For tomorrow I need to remember a good morning snack. I am going to take some extra berries and humus with veggies for afternoon snack. I think I need to even out my snacking and meals a little bit more so I don't get hungry and remember my vitamins every day.
I hope this Tuesday finds you healthy and happy!
I am so excited to have my friend Stephanie along for the ride. She has found that she has a lot of food allergies and is going to follow the same plan with me to see if it can improve her health with the Arbonne plan. This is a organic, whole food program with detoxing and vegan elements... here's to a great 28 days!
Today was much better then yesterday. Virtually no headache, but used a bit of cheese on my dinner and discovered it kind of made me congested. So, back to the non-dairy cheese it is.
I got in a little bit of a work out in. only had a short amount of time tonight so I did a Shaun T cardio abs work out.
For tomorrow I need to remember a good morning snack. I am going to take some extra berries and humus with veggies for afternoon snack. I think I need to even out my snacking and meals a little bit more so I don't get hungry and remember my vitamins every day.
Brown Rice tortilla
Veggie Rennet Cheese
Black beans (veggie sub for the chicken)
baby spinach and onion satay
homemade salsa (tomato and avocado, garlic)
Don't to forget to drink lots of water during your day. add a little lemon to help detox while you drink.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Healthy 2014 - Day 1
Hi All,
So, I am here at the end of a long monday, drinking my detox tea and finally getting to relax.
Happy 3 Kings day or if you are my mom.. Happy Birthday Momma!
So, the 1st day could be a lot worse. I had a dull headache all day, which could have been from the bad planning of snacks on my part or the lack of sugar and caffeine. I can tell my sinus inflammation is decreasing. I am starting to breath better. I am having some gas and stomach movement. Thanks to the digestive Plus. It really is a good thing.
Day 1- Breakfast Raspberry Protien Shake with Almond/Coconut milk
Lunch- Quinia Salad with lemon/EVOO dressing
Snack- Granny Smith apple with Almond Butter
Dinner- Brown Rice tortilla, chicken less chicken, fresh made salsa, light veggie rennet cheese, garlic
Water with fizz stick
Detox tea

A couple of cheats in there. I had a few crasins in the salad and soy chicken in my dinner. I gave up chicken last year. Its been a pretty good day over all. I didnt work our today due to the long drive I had. Tomorrow back on the work out plan!
So, I am here at the end of a long monday, drinking my detox tea and finally getting to relax.
Happy 3 Kings day or if you are my mom.. Happy Birthday Momma!
So, the 1st day could be a lot worse. I had a dull headache all day, which could have been from the bad planning of snacks on my part or the lack of sugar and caffeine. I can tell my sinus inflammation is decreasing. I am starting to breath better. I am having some gas and stomach movement. Thanks to the digestive Plus. It really is a good thing.
Day 1- Breakfast Raspberry Protien Shake with Almond/Coconut milk
Lunch- Quinia Salad with lemon/EVOO dressing
Snack- Granny Smith apple with Almond Butter
Dinner- Brown Rice tortilla, chicken less chicken, fresh made salsa, light veggie rennet cheese, garlic
Water with fizz stick
Detox tea

A couple of cheats in there. I had a few crasins in the salad and soy chicken in my dinner. I gave up chicken last year. Its been a pretty good day over all. I didnt work our today due to the long drive I had. Tomorrow back on the work out plan!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Healthy 2014
Hi There Friends-
2014 is upon us all!
We all have goals and new visions of what we want our life to be in the new year. I personally will be continuing my goal of getting healthy and be more in shape. I am going to cronicale the next 28 day detox that starts January 6th (my mom's birthday) to start my new year. I had a goal last year of being in better shape for my friend's Amy and Drew's wedding last April... I felt great!
2014 is upon us all!
We all have goals and new visions of what we want our life to be in the new year. I personally will be continuing my goal of getting healthy and be more in shape. I am going to cronicale the next 28 day detox that starts January 6th (my mom's birthday) to start my new year. I had a goal last year of being in better shape for my friend's Amy and Drew's wedding last April... I felt great!

Like many others I have fallen of the wagon a bit at the end of the year. My plan is to write a few words about my journey over the next 28 days. I will post encourging words, articles, and recipes that I use.
I will be following the Arbonne healthy eating and detox plan. If you are interested in finding out more bout this program the flyer below has our recorded phone call regarding this program.
So, Lets get started!!
Check out my blog every week for new information and my progress!
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